c861546359 18 Mar 2013 - 11 min - Uploaded by Kanto UniversityAll Rare Candy Locations In Pokemon Black 2 and White 2. Graduate: youtube.com .. 3 Apr 2013 - 7 min - Uploaded by fluffyistuffy313Its leget and no downloads, action replay, cheats needed, tomaro I will upload a video to prove .. 15 Aug 2012 - 2 min - Uploaded by PokemonHelper2012Pokemon Black & White Where to buy Rare Candys . how can i battle people in battle .. 3 Sep 2013 - 3 min - Uploaded by Coveredinchocolate14just a neat little trick that you may not of found yet. . how to get lots of rare candies in pokemon .. 11 Nov 2013 - 10 min - Uploaded by Paris Wilsonvia YouTube Capture.. August: Electric-themed Field Research, 2000 Stardust, 3 Rare Candies / 20 . if you delete a task, you can go back to that stop later in the day to get it again.. 18 Jul 2014 - 6 min - Uploaded by D0NUTUnlimited Rare Candy Glitch: Pokemon Black AND White 2- No Hacks! Easy! D0NUT .. 23 Apr 2015 . As soon as you enter the route, go north when you can, to find a . south and west and use your Dowsing Machine to find a hidden Rare Candy.. Edit 2: I don't have B2, so he may occur on different days . So you can get one free rare candy a day, or however many raffles you have. . in the stadiums are decided the first time you walk into one if it's like Black and White.. You can not get that much, not a lot. Compared to how much you can carry in bag. Pokemon Black 2 has no way to get a lot of rare candies. I have a few, and I.. 23 Oct 2013 - 4 min - Uploaded by GamingWithGourleyHey guys here is a little trick in order to get unlimited rare candies in Pokemon white 2 or .. Rare Candies X 999 (Press Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 B2000024 00000000 00018D20 03E70032 D2000000 00000000 That should work on both games.. Enyway I remember seng on serrebie tht u can buy it in a shop for like 28 bp points I believe but thts in black 2 and white 2 I think. I don't know.. 25 Jun 2012 . Mar 29th 2017 ninjaninja can anyone tell me why it is not working for me. I did everything but I am confused with keys that I have to click after.. If you jump over the ledge and head out of the cave at the bottom, you'll see a Pokemon . cave, but there's nothing can do to get in just yet, so instead backtrack to the start of this cave and leave. . One of these rocks contains a Rare Candy.. 29 Jul 2012 . Rare Candy - Pokemon Black 2 and White 2: A Rare Candy is an item that will increase your Pokemon's Level one time. Make sure to check.. In the Generation V games, the Rare Candy can be sold to the gourmet maniac on . In Generations I and II, Pokmon above level 100 could level up using Rare . in the Black & White Series (due to the classification not existing until then).. Then I remembered that in Black 2 / White 2, the Breeders will fight you . I've been using a level 100 Aipom's Pickup to get Rare Candies lol.. 15 Jan 2012 . Yes. You can get them at Gear Station- 48 BP each. Or: Route 2- HM strength. Route 3- dowsing machine and HM surf needed. Route 13- Gift.. 13 Nov 2016 . Search for a pokmon breeder and battle him to get your rare candy. Exit with the teleport circel and Enter Back and you can battle the breeder. http://endirom.com/article?waidgiors
Can You Buy Rare Candy In Pokemon Black 2
Updated: Mar 12, 2020