The Adventures of Hatim Episode 1: The Stolen Laptop - A new student on the block has stolen his laptop, what will he do? Get back his laptop. Without the laptop, the first day of school falls on Hatim's lap. His first day is off to a bad start as he is stuck in detention until midnight with Mr. Peabody.The Adventures of Hatim Episode 2: The Missing Tablet - What will Hatim do when his tablet gets stolen? Pick on the thief of course! He likes to get back at people who do him wrong, no matter how wrong it is. In order to get his tablet back before the teacher announces a report card day, Hatim disguises himself as a new student and tries to sneak into the class remotely. However, that doesn't go as planned either. Reports for a report card day are due, and if he doesn't have a good report card then he's going home for Thanksgiving. Hatim works around the clock to get it all in order, but finally comes up with a plan. He will use his tablet to take pictures of all the friends when they are doing do something dumb. When Hatim gets his report card in the mail--with an 'A'-- he is thrilled! One problem, though, is that his friend's report cards are not so great. Can Hatim make sure they get what they deserve?The Adventures of Hatim Episode 3: The Lost Phone - When Hatim's phone falls out of her pocket in the cafeteria line, he doesn't know what to do. It's gone! And, worse yet, it's a pink phone and he knows that it will be very easy to find. He'll have to be extra careful if he wants to keep its location a secret. All of his friends want him to let them use it, but he can't let them--even if they say that they won't tell anyone else about it. In order to get his phone back from Melanie, he must break all of the rules--whether its turning in items late or being out after curfew--but would any of that matter? Hatim couldn't wait for a chance to get a hold of her phone again. When he hears about her phone being lost, he goes to her. He tries to convince her to give it back, but she doesn't understand his desperate pleas for it back. Hatim soon learns the hard way that the best way to get what you want is by asking for it--and then getting it!The Adventures of Hatim Episode 4: The Gossip - Hatim has never liked gossip...until now! His friends are talking about him. He's made fun of...cried over...he's not exactly sure what they've said about him, but he knows that something is not right. 81eaaddfaf 19
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